Video of Talk on Prostate Cancer

This is a video of me talking about prostate cancer with a group at a local bookstore/cafe called Friends, Philosophy and Tea.

Video Interview on Prostate Health

This is a July 30, 2007 recording of a live call-in show I was on regarding prostate health. Watch it for free any time by clicking on the link below. Naturopathic Perspective: Prostate Health

Radio Interview on Men’s Health

I was recently interviewed by Lauren Noel, ND of San Diego on her radio show online, and you can listen in to the recording of it now. We discussed prostate health and problems, sexual dysfunction, and many other topics, all from a naturopathic perspective of course....

Should I Have a Prostate Biopsy?

An extremely common scenario these days is that a screening PSA blood test is elevated, and a patient is told they need a prostate biopsy. However, up to a third of these biopsies do not find cancer, presumably because both benign enlargement of the prostate (BPH) and...

PSA Screening Fails Miserably

© Eric Yarnell, ND, May, 2010. Two large randomized trials published in the New England Journal of Medicine dealt two further devastating blows to the idea of using the total prostate-specific antigen (tPSA) blood test to screen for cancer. I say tPSA to differentiate...

PSA Insufficient By Itself

PSA Test Mostly Useless Without Prostate Ultrasound © Eric Yarnell, ND, February 1, 2005. For decades now the prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test has been considered the best way to determine if a man has prostate cancer. There has long been concerned voiced...